Love Song

The Love Song will be the final sequence of our new show SONGS FROM THE OTHER SIDE, premiering this autumn: using dance and music to address issues of mental health in a radically new way. The Love Song will combine music and movement to end on an uplifting note of endurance and hope. We are inviting participants to submit their own videos of themselves doing the simple exercises we’ll put out every week; and in the end, we’ll make a brilliant, colourful, diverse video collage of everyone who’s sent us footage, and we’ll feature it in the show.

We have now closed the programme.

But this doesn’t stop you to try these Tasks. Have Fun and let us know how did you get on.

Soon more info about the show.

Scroll down for video instructions for the weekly exercises; and for more information on the project.

Thank you

Previous Tasks

More about the Love Song Digital Participation Project:

 When and Where? Every Thursday at 10 am, on this page, we have uploaded a new video with one of our company members giving instructions for a simple dance or music exercise, that anyone can do themselves at home – no experience needed!

How? By watching the instructions, and then filming yourself (along with friends or family members if you like!) doing the exercise. Then people have sent us their video by uploading it on this page.

Ultimately, we will create a video collage from the footage sent in by participants, and this will form the backdrop to the final section of our SONGS FROM THE OTHER SIDE dance performance.

Why? We want our performance to represent the huge range of people who experience mental health challenges. The video collage we will make out of the videos sent in by our participants, allows us to make this range of people visible in the show. It might help participants to feel part of a wider community. It provides a sense of solidarity, a sense that it’s possible to help one another through these challenges. Because we are nothing without our audiences and participants; because we can’t do it without you.

And it’s fun to take part! You get to watch the Love Song building, layer upon layer, with each new weekly exercise until the whole final sequence exists.

We are looking forward to seeing you virtually for our Premiere in Autumn 2021.

Thank you
